How to create a powerful lifestyle

Wed Apr 19, 2023

Fully living in the present moment is a natural skill we all had as small children. As we grew, learned, and matured, so did our brains and memory. We learned what is potentially painful or damaging to our well-being or wishes. We became fearful, apprehensive, hesitant, distrustful, and prone to choose the seemingly safe and easier path, as we feel there is so much more to lose with age, acquired wealth, and positions.

Fears, worries, hurts, unfulfilled wants, and needs clutter our everyday perceptions and decisions. Negative thoughts hum around in our brains. Grudges, insecurities, hatred, and self-hatred cloud our judgments and health.

This mental garbage poisons our well-being, joy, and energy for living a fulfilling life on all levels - physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, financial, and business.

Highly efficient action steps that we can take to get rid of this mental garbage include:

* Taking responsibility for our own life and taking action are important steps to increase our wellbeing. Judgment and blaming circumstances, people, and events will keep us locked in the spot we are in and immobilise us in yesterday's pain.

* Letting go, acceptance and forgiveness are essential to moving on and taking things to the next level - get support if needed. Acceptance of what is and can't be changed is instrumental to our own peace and happiness. Being willing to forgive others and ourselves – this is a tough one – is the road to feeling worthy and deserving. Finding meaning in events that happened in the past allows us to realise that they made us who we are today.

This is only possible through letting go of our hurts and disappointments, not allowing the negative to ruin our life any longer. The past can’t be changed but we most certainly can change our attitude towards the present and the future through our thoughts, attitudes, and actions. Letting go of the past doesn’t mean it is gone but transformed, taking the lessons with us and stopping to beat ourselves up over it. Gratitude is key, counting your blessings.

* Keeping learning regardless of our age and circumstances in an ever-changing world goes without saying. We have to adjust and keep our flexibility, getting out of our comfort zone. We are all unique and have our own set of talents, skills, dreams, and passions. We can keep them alive and thriving by doing uncommon and unusual things, thinking out of the box is truly alive and resourceful.

* Decluttering our mind, life, home, diet, relationships, finances, emotions, and time planners of all the stress, noise, and of what no longer serves us, is another crucial step. Making space for the new to arrive and trusting that the emptiness feared by so many will be filled with new content. If we allow it, it will be filled with positive new experiences.

* Overcoming fears and limitations by focusing on what we truly want, breaking it down into small steps to take us towards our goals. Taking action on a daily basis step by step by challenging small fears first and training to overcome them is like training a muscle that gets stronger each time. Eventually facing and tackling the bigger fears are empowering and life-changing. The bigger the fears we overcome, the bigger the payoffs. Courage can be trained.

* Believing in something bigger than ourselves. We haven't figured it all out - far from it. There are forces beyond our comprehension directing the course of life. Realizing this, we don't have to carry the weight of the world on our shoulders but just strive to give, do, and be our best, trusting it will all work out in the end - maybe not always in the way we imagined but it often does, if we don't give up.

* Reconnecting with nature and spending time in it keeps us grounded, healthy and humble.

* Thinking of what we do want. The mind can't perceive 'not' - it will do it regardless! Test: 'Do not think of a red horse with a green tail.' What image is in your mind? - Let's not waste energy thinking of what we don’t want but let's focus on the desired outcomes instead and how to achieve them, following up by massive action.

* Consistency, discipline, endurance, and perseverance are key in keeping our focus - and so is delayed gratification. It requires mindfulness and awareness of ourselves and of our surroundings to distinguish between our wants and needs and to act accordingly, mastering healthy self-control.

* Our body is our best friend and the only thing that remains with us for life – let's treat it well and kind; it deserves more attention than our cars. If a car breaks down, we can buy a new one. But we only have one body – taking care of it requires regular health check-ups, getting treatments in case of need, and supplying it with healthy food and sufficient water, sleep, and rest. Giving it a rhythm, finding positive, constructive ways to fulfill its needs, exercising regularly an enjoyable sport, and keeping control of its weight and overall well-being are the upkeeping and maintenance it needs regularly.

* Breathing is the essence of being alive and centred on ourselves. To instantly create inner space and peace: breathe in (counting to three in the mind) through the nose and exhale through the mouth (counting to four in the mind) for three minutes. Creating a regular habit of this small exercise works wonders. Breathe.

* Feeling worthy to ask for help when we need it and allowing others to give us loving care when we need it most without feeling guilty or apologising for inconveniencing them. Many people love to help and give advice when they are asked to do so – it makes them feel valued and of importance, receiving the gift of giving back.

* Setting and respecting boundaries will prevent people from walking all over us. Being able to say 'no' and mean it is a crucial skill to master. Imagine a beautifully planted garden with a fence around it. Ideally, we only open the door for those who know how to behave and how to take care of it.

* Staying connected to ourselves, our family, and friends on an emotional and personal level. They are the ones who are there for us when it really counts. Let's write that message, make the phone call, give a hug, make a contribution or a compliment, and visit loved and dear ones physically. Knowing, acknowledging, and accepting our roots will give us the necessary solid foundation to prosper in life.

* With gratefulness comes prosperity – in our heart, mind, soul, and ultimately in our wallet, being thankful for and aware of what we already have. As long as we have our health, a functioning body, a roof over our head, enough water, and enough food on our table, friends, and family, we are luckier than many.

* Finding mentors, learning from someone who has been there how to face the things that scare and challenge us, and learning how they rebounded from setbacks and hardships, how they remained pro-active and focused over often long periods of time.

* Knowing the numbers and where the money comes in and goes out. Where are the holes in our financial water hose? Awareness helps us to get a grip on bad habits and fix them. Learning how to take care of our finances ourselves is the best possible investment of our time and resources. Then we can grow from there.

* Collaborating in teamwork with the best to take us to the next level. Asking the right questions is key, and to be able to do so, keeping learning. There is only as much as we can do as one person, having a highly professional team fuel our growth exponentially.

* Striving to leave a legacy behind, be it in giving wealth, kindness, support, attention, knowledge, contacts, power, or creations. No day will ever feel wasted in sharing our resources.

* Having fun, discovering, and living life to the fullest is a privilege of any age if we just dare to do so. Let's not bother what 'others' might think, as most are preoccupied with their own issues anyway. As long as our heart beats, the heart line (and our life) goes up and down in a regular rhythm. A steady, clear line doesn't indicate stability but death.

Living the life that makes us happy is a constant process, and if it doesn’t fulfill us anymore, let's declutter again, set new goals, keep growing, and let go.

* The most important relationship we have is the one with ourselves. Finding the necessary self-love in taking responsibility and care of our own well-being, needs, wants, boundaries and own emotions unburdens others from unrealistic expectations. Self-love lets us deal and communicate with each other with respect and from a healthy position. Every moment is precious and new doors open every day. Life is what we make out of it.

This general overview can be further analysed, refined, and defined in individual breakthrough strategies and coaching sessions which will be tailored to the client's wants and needs. Asking for support where required can further our growth substantially. Let's keep growing.

Best wishes

Sharesz T. Wilkinson

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